Gewista is increasingly relying on sustainable lighting systems for the illumination of its advertising media and has now replaced a total of 30,000 tubes that were previously equipped with conventional fluorescent tubes at 2,500 locations with modern, energy-efficient LED systems.
This process, which has now been completed, is also a central component of Gewista's sustainability strategy, which Gewista is coordinating on an international level in close cooperation with its parent company, JCDecaux. New advertising media will be equipped exclusively with LED technology.
From now on, all backlit advertising media of Gewista in the greater Vienna area will shine exclusively with the help of contemporary LED technology. Specifically, this involves 2,200 City Light and 311 Rolling Board locations. The effort has paid off, as the conversion of gas discharge lamps to lighting systems equipped with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has significantly reduced energy requirements by a total of 2.5 gigawatt hours. This not only reduces energy and operating costs in the long term, but above all saves roughly the average annual electricity consumption of 700 households. (Source Statistics Austria survey, 2016 [3,560kWh]). Since 2009, Gewista has been using electricity sourced exclusively from 100% hydropower generation.
"The new holistic conversion of the lighting of all backlit advertising media, that is, City Lights and Rolling Boards, to energy-efficient LED lighting solutions," reports Gewista CEO Franz Solta, "is an important step towards sustainability and protection of the environment. In this context, LED lighting scores above all with its high efficiency, very good lighting quality and visually pleasant lighting effect. This is also reflected positively in the presentation of the advertising subjects. We will constantly pursue the use of LED lighting and intelligent lighting control systems in our backlit Out of Home media in terms of cost and resource optimization and, above all, ecological compatibility."
Gewista Sustainability
Gewista has been publishing a sustainability report since 2017, in which it presents the ecological, economic and social impact of its corporate activities. Together with the sustainability topics of the JCDecaux Group, it has been possible to implement a balanced mix of specifically Austrian topics and Group topics for Gewista. The basis for the preparation of this and future sustainability reports was and is the intensive examination of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the Gewista sustainability report, which can be accessed at, impacts, risks and opportunities from business activities and business relationships, the sustainability approach, and corresponding management approaches and measures, are presented and specific before-and-after sustainability activities and results are described.
Gewista is also an excellent part of the OekoBusiness Wien network. OekoBusiness Wien is one of the flagship projects of the Vienna Sustainability Coordination Office and is closely networked with comparable initiatives around the world to promote knowledge-transfer to city and regional governments in Austria and abroad. All companies and their environmental projects can be found on the OekoBusiness company page at

Press contact:
Christian Brandt Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Press Spokesman
Mobile: +43 664 1000 807