Gewista, Austria's Out-Of-Home marketing communications leader, launched a call last December for companies to become part of the #ZusammenGegenCorona campaign and spread their "corporate vaccination messages" on advertising space provided by Gewista. One month after the start of this Gewista campaign, there are almost 100 companies represented with their messages, including, "Vaccinate, Yes! Of Course!" from Billa, "Vaccinated – You’re right!" from Reiter and "Impfen (Vaccination) is IN" from Interspar.
Display On More Than 2,000 Screens
Many companies are now using Gewista as a platform for their pro-vaccination messages. Most rely on a modification of their existing advertising concepts adapted to a pro-vaccination appeal, often creatively staged and, also, with a bit of a wink. This distribution is on 1,500 City Lights and up to 600 digital screens. The program runs until the end of January.
"Many companies have responded to our call. They want to make their own contribution to the fight against the Corona pandemic. We also see their involvement as a bold statement of corporate responsibility with strong public impact. In addition to creativity, however, our campaign has a clear objective. We want to make a contribution to increasing the willingness of the population to become vaccinated. Our advertising display spaces provide the basis for a wide reach to create additional awareness of this important subject," says Gewista CEO, Franz Solta.
Please note that interested companies can still participate in the campaign and use the digital reach of the Out-Of-Home market leader for their own pro-vaccination messages. Simply contact