Gewista GIS
The navigation in the world of our advertising media is done either via map or also by searching for a place or an exact address. After that, the advertising media City Light, Digital City Light, Billboard and Rolling Board can be selected by filter to visualize them on the map. In the next step, the catchment area of the advertising media being displayed can be defined. The detailed information of all locations displayed in the respective map area is listed in a separate table area. By touching a point on the map with the mouse, information about this location is displayed immediately: exact address, format and advertising medium. By clicking on a location in the map - colored as a dot depending on the medium - the photos of the individual advertising media at the location also become visible. This gives the viewer a perfect overview of the location environment. Each selected location can additionally be moved to an inquiry basket and after specifying the runtime and start day, the desired selection can be requested directly and quickly from Gewista.