Drei Österreich, a major provider of mobile telecom services in Austria, relies on an Out of Home media mix from Gewista for its current campaign, "Dreh auf mit Drei," which translates colloquially as “Turn on with Drei,“ to advertise a bundle of telephone, television and internet services. The campaign includes prominent posters, Rolling Boards with format-splitting special advertising forms, digital City Lights in the Volkstheater underground station, as well as surface displays in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Klagenfurt and Bregenz. A creative highlight of the campaign features Drei Österreich very prominently at the high-traffic Praterstern underground station.
When Drei Österreich advertises, it's not just the advertising impact that's impressive, but also the creative quality of the messaging. For example, the full-service telecom provider Drei relies on a broad-based and nationally dispersed Out of Home media mix from Gewista to promote its combined telephone, television and Internet products, or "Dreh auf mit Drei" for short, which is colloquially translated as “Turn on with Drei.“ In addition to posters and digital City Lights, on the surface and underground in subway stations, creative special advertising formats such as Rolling Boards are used with format blasting, which are eye-catchers, at highly frequented traffic junctions. Another attention-getter of a larger kind is the station branding booked by Drei Österreich at the Praterstern subway station. Drei Österreich is the prime mover of this advertising presentation at Praterstern, which immerses the entire subway station area in a Drei Österreich world of experience. The wall surfaces on the levels, as well as the escalator walls, are blanketed with foil brandings. On the numerous digital City Lights, which are surrounded by the brand messages, Drei video spots are running, at all levels and along the escalators.
"With the ‘Dreh auf mit Drei campaign, we inspire our customers to press the symbolic start button to take their homes and businesses to the next level. Whether within their own four walls at home or at work in their company, our solutions bring entertainment, excitement, innovation, success, efficiency and much more. The focus is always on the person, the individual customer, whose life we want to enrich," says Birgit Petritsch, Team Leader, Brand Building, Drei.
Alexander Binder, Media Manager, Drei, adds, "The variety of advertising opportunities in (D)OOH is an integral part of our campaign media mix to generate brand impact and visibility to reach relevant target groups and to showcase Drei in a truly innovative way."
"We are very pleased," says Gewista CSO Andrea Groh, "to have won this Drei Austria account, in addition to a large-scale national Out of Home media mix, as a first mover for a station branding at the high-reach Praterstern subway station! The station branding enables both holistic and selective advertising messaging in the subway station on selected premium surfaces in combination with digital City Lights. This form of advertising offers an impressive advertising presence which reaches hundreds of thousands of passers-by every day and is retained in their memory for a long time."

Auftraggeber:Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH
Meddiaagentur:UM PanMedia Kommunikationsberatungund Mediaeinkauf GmbH
Kreativagentur: WIEN NORD Serviceplan GmbH & Co KG
Out of Home Mediamix:
Station Branding an der U-Bahn-Station Praterstern
Rolling Board Sonderwerbeform mit Folierung und Formatsprengung, Standort Donaustadtstraße
Kampagnenlaufzeit: 21.06-04.07. 2021
Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Pressesprecher
E-Mail: christian.brandt-dimaio@gewista.at
Mobil: +43 664 1000 807