With its "Railway Bees" campaign, ÖBB, which is the national railway transportation service of Austria, draws attention to its numerous activities to promote and preserve the quality of life in our natural environment. The campaign, which went on-air just in time for World Bee Day on May 20, 2021, focuses on ÖBB's efforts to preserve domestic bee colonies. In addition to advertisements in print and on-line media, ÖBB uses staged outdoor advertising to draw attention to the importance of protecting the domestic bee population.
Together with Gewista, an impressive special form of advertising was staged, a so-called format blast, on a medium Rolling Board. In this form of advertising, visual 3D elements are placed on and around the Rolling Board, which interact with the both subject and the message it contains. For this purpose, an elongated flower box, which extends over the entire length of the Rolling Board, was attached to the lower edge of the Rolling Board in the spirit of the motto, "More space for the bees." At both ends, climbing plants also appear to grow down to the ground from the flower box. This dramatic Out of Home advertising with a green thumb appealingly illustrates ÖBB's initiative for the bee population and the environmental sustainability of railway transport.
"The Rolling Board medium," says Gewista CEO Franz Solta, "is ideally suited for placing advertising messages in a targeted manner at highly frequented transport hubs. ÖBB is not only taking advantage of the medium's reach, but also one of the many creative design options, that is, a special form of advertising with format blasting, which the Gewista Rolling Board uniquely offers. The effect is maximum attention and lasting recall by the target audience, which is a win for all."

Press contact:
Christian Brandt Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Press Spokesman
e-mail: christian.brandt-dimaio@gewista.at
Mobile: +43 664 1000 807