For the advertising launch of its A1 5Giganetz technology, A1 (A1 Telecom Austria) chose a Transport Media production by Gewista, comprised of a brand area linked with a sampling area. These combined Out of Home advertising formats enable targeted sampling campaigns at the high-traffic underground station, Stephansplatz. This dual format combines Digital City Lights and large-scale foil branding displays on the surrounding wall surfaces, together creating an impressive and comprehensive advertising presence.
Gewista’s eye-catching advertising design options for underground stations are extremely diverse. They range from the use of Gewista’s Digital City Lights in a wide variety of variations to brand areas, such as foil-brandings on the wall panels with the inclusion of Digital City Lights in adjacent sampling areas. The advertisements displayed on the Digital City Lights screens are clearly visible from the sampling locations for dual messaging impact.
The Stephansplatz underground station can be booked in combination with three fixed locations where product sampling is possible. The combination of advertising on the digital screens, which are in the best possible sight-lines of the sampling locations, and the impressive branding on the wall surfaces, convinced A1 to advertise its 5Giganetz launch with Gewista. The three sampling areas are also positioned near the exits so that the sample-givers can ideally serve the pedestrians in their exit flow direction without interrupting them. In addition to the Stephansplatz underground station, more stations with this new sampling area option will soon become available from Gewista.
According to Matthias Lorenz, A1 Chief Transformation, Market & Corporate Functions Officer, “With the 5Giganetz, A1 is opening up a completely new era. Our goal was to announce the exciting possibilities of this new technology at one of the most frequented places in Vienna, the Stephansplatz underground station. We wanted our message to tangibly reach as many people as possible. With this campaign, we were able to immerse the public in this exciting new A1 5G world, which is full of possibilities, on all three levels of the underground station.”
“Our advertising concepts in the underground locale,” says Gewista CSO Andrea Groh, “have been very well received by the advertising industry. We are honored to have been chosen by A1 for this vital communications campaign, which is launching their new 5G capabilities and services. Brand area and sampling area advertising can be booked separately, upon request, and utilized jointly or as stand-alone elements. These comprehensive ‘all area’ advertising formats in subway stations offer an impressive and memorable advertising presence which reaches hundreds of thousands of passers-by daily.”

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