Even in 2018, customers of Gewista were invited once again to be the “Angel of Christmas”. Gewista did away with sending Christmas presents for the second time and instead, invited its customers to consider a charitable organisation for a donation that Gewista has now become authorised to present to six NGOs available for selection on their behalf. The company Respekt.net was given the responsibility of handling the donation platform management with the NGOs.
The following charitable institutions were able to rejoice in a total of around 28,000 euros, which was transferred by Gewista on behalf of its customers, for their projects:
• Education Togo - Association for the funding of the education system in Togo
Project: “1 year of school for 25 euros in Togo!“
• Caritas Austria
Project: “A sleeping bag for homeless persons”
• Volkshilfe (Social services)
Project: “Recreational activities for children”
• Vier Pfoten (Four Paws)
Project: “Help the strays in Bulgaria!”
• Ärzte ohne Grenzen (Doctors without Borders)
“Your donation for a protection suit against Ebola!”
• CARE Austria
“Make it possible for one Syrian child to attend school!"
"Thanks to the generous donation from Gewista and respekt.net, we can implement two important projects this year: On the one hand, we can support female students with fellowships for one more school year, thus providing the girls in our 'communities' with a solid education. With the remainder of the donation, we will equip our new school building with new school desks and, in this manner, create the necessary learning conditions in the classrooms, says Ferdinand Lischka, Education Togo.
“A sleeping bag as a lifesaver – Caritas Austria would like to thank Gewista and its employees as well as all companies for their support for the Christmas campaign. With a sleeping bag, you are giving the gift of warmth to those on streets on cold nights. Your donation supports projects for homeless people,” says Barbara Wurzer from Caritas Austria about this solidarity action.
According to Herbert Reithmayr from Volkshilfe, "Gewista's customers have set an important example with their decision: even the young people in the socio-pedagogically supervised living communities for the youth at Volkshilfe in Vienna should be able to go on trips, go on holiday and play sports. All young people need positive community experiences in order to find their way to a successful life. Volkshilfe is grateful for this beautiful Christmas present!"
“VIER PFOTEN is very happy with Gewista's Christmas fundraising. For years, we have been working in many countries around the world to solve the problem of stray dogs and cats in a humane and sustainable way. These donations are a very valuable contribution to continue our aid project for strays efficiently in 2019. On behalf of the animals, we would like to offer heartfelt thanks to all the participants of the campaign for their commitment, "says Ingrid Kaiser, Head of Fundraising at VIER PFOTEN Austria."
"We are deeply grateful to Gewista for making a contribution to helping people in need. Especially corporate donations are very important, since a greater donation enables us to make a bigger difference and achieve more when it comes to bringing medical aid and professionals to where they are urgently needed,” says Daniela Tröster, Ärzte ohne Grenzen.
Eva Stockhammer from CARE is extremely thankful to Gewista for the Christmas donation. "Thanks to its support, Syrian refugee children in Jordan can go back to school, after a break of several years on the whole.
CARE has already helped more than 2,000 children with “Money for Education (Geld für Bildung)”. They would otherwise have missed valuable school years because their families are too poor to send them to class. If girls are allowed to continue learning, they can evade an early marriage and get the chance to live a self-determined life."
The company Respekt.net was given the responsibility of the donation platform management with the NGOs. "We at Respekt.net are happy that our idea of social crowdfunding with the Corporate Respekt.net tool has been adopted in the business world. We thank our partner Gewista for the confidence and the excellent spirit in the further development of the format!"
"Gewista made it possible again!", Gewista CEO Franz Solta is pleased about the active participation in the Christmas campaign 2018, which benefited charitable institutions. "The offer to our customers," continues Solta, “to make a present at Christmas, not only for family and friends, but also for people, who have not had the Christmas angel visit them in recent years, was once again characterised by a great response. On behalf of our customers, we were thus able to provide around 28,000 euros to six different NGOs for their charitable projects and thereby do some good."

Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Pressesprecher
E-Mail: brandt-dimaio@gewista.at
Tel: +436641000807