kronehit, Austria's private radio for "most of the music", is relying, in the course of its current campaign, on a nationwide diverse out-of-home media mix by Gewista. In addition to classic billboards, analogous and digital city lights, as well as rolling boards - rolling board special advertising formats with 3D format blasts are the "star" of the campaign.
As diverse as the program from kronehit is also the station's national out-of-home media mix, which can currently be seen on out-of-home media by Gewista. From billboards to the city lights to rolling boards with special advertising formats, the new kronehit campaign is staged impressively. Testimonials by men and women on various themes are displayed against a colourful background, accompanied by cheeky slogans such as "door shut - krone on", "krone on - party on" or "krone on - music on”. Rolling board special advertising formats with 3D format blasting - the kronehit crown, which protrudes beyond the rolling board frame - at wide-reaching locations in Vienna are being used as the highlights of the campaign.
Chief Andrea Heidrich, Head of Marketing & PR kronehit adds: "With Gewista, we have an excellent partner for our OOH campaign. Our new advertising slogan conveys the cool and lively lifestyle of our listeners. We understand our target audience and their needs and try to live up to these on air and off air."
"The medium rolling board", says Gewista CSO Andrea Groh, “ is extremely well-suited for placing targeted advertising messages at highly frequented traffic hubs. kronehit not only uses the reach of the medium, but also one of the many creative design options - an "Innovative & Ambient Media" special advertising format - which the rolling board offers, in order to generate, along with an impressive OOH media mix, maximum attention and a lasting impression."

Customer: kronehit
Agency: Vienna North
Advertising form/3 different subjects
Rolling Board national: 285
Rolling board Vienna/Special advertising format with crown: 18
National billboard incl. board on Triesterstrasse: 118
City light Vienna
Digital city lights: 7 Underground stations
Duration: 17.01-03.02.2019
As diverse as the program from kronehit is also the station's national out-of-home media mix, which can currently be seen on out-of-home media by Gewista. From billboards to the city lights to rolling boards with special advertising formats, the new kronehit campaign is staged impressively. Testimonials by men and women on various themes are displayed against a colourful background, accompanied by cheeky slogans such as "door shut - krone on", "krone on - party on" or "krone on - music on”. Rolling board special advertising formats with 3D format blasting - the kronehit crown, which protrudes beyond the rolling board frame - at wide-reaching locations in Vienna are being used as the highlights of the campaign.
Chief Andrea Heidrich, Head of Marketing & PR kronehit adds: "With Gewista, we have an excellent partner for our OOH campaign. Our new advertising slogan conveys the cool and lively lifestyle of our listeners. We understand our target audience and their needs and try to live up to these on air and off air."
"The medium rolling board", says Gewista CSO Andrea Groh, “ is extremely well-suited for placing targeted advertising messages at highly frequented traffic hubs. kronehit not only uses the reach of the medium, but also one of the many creative design options - an "Innovative & Ambient Media" special advertising format - which the rolling board offers, in order to generate, along with an impressive OOH media mix, maximum attention and a lasting impression."

Customer: kronehit
Agency: Vienna North
Advertising form/3 different subjects
Rolling Board national: 285
Rolling board Vienna/Special advertising format with crown: 18
National billboard incl. board on Triesterstrasse: 118
City light Vienna
Digital city lights: 7 Underground stations
Duration: 17.01-03.02.2019