Sudden cardiac death is still one of the most common causes of death in the country - and it doesn’t have to be. “The markets in Vienna are places in the neighbourhood where people come together. The new defibrillators on the market and the guidance system can save lives,” says city councillor for markets Ulli Sima. And yet, around 350,000 people travel through Vienna’s markets every week. “It’s incredibly easy to save a life, anyone can do it. That’s why we, as the PULS association, work with helpers from Vienna, rescue organisations, and everyone else who’s interested to make Vienna a heart-safe city,” says Harry Kopietz, president of the “PULS” association. By the end of the year, all major markets will be equipped with defibrillators and the guidance system.
New Gewista guidance system rapidly leads to the next defibrillator
Gewista’s guidance system around five Vienna markets to start with, and the sixth to follow at the end of May/early June, shows the way to a defibrillator and also displays the number of seconds it takes to reach it - a defibrillator can only help if it’s found in time. “We are so thrilled,” says Gewista CEO Franz Solta, “to have installed the guidance system we developed that shows the distance to the respective defibrillator location in life-saving seconds, not only in the direct vicinity of all public Gewista defibrillator pillars, but also in another six locations in Vienna markets. This allowed us to continue expanding the first public guide system for defibrillators to be installed in a city. The clear message in doing so is that when saving a life with a defibrillator, “EVERY SECOND COUNTS!”
NEW: Gewista’s guidance system is available at these five markets in Vienna; it displays the path to the defibrillators for the MA59 at the market location in life-saving seconds. Brunnenmarket is planned as a sixth market for the end of May/early June
Am Foto v.l.n.r.: Gewista CEO Franz Solta, Harry Kopietz, Präsident Verein Puls, Stadträtin Ulli Sima, Mario Krammel, Vorstand Verein Puls, Bezirksvorsteher Marcus Franz und Andreas Kutheil, Leiter der MA 59 präsentieren das neue von der Gewista entwickelte Defi-Leitsystem Copyright PID/Christian Fürthner
Das von der Gewista entwickelte Schilderleitsystem weist nun den Weg nicht nur zu den öffentlichen Defi-Säulen der Gewista, sondern auch zu den Defis an sechs Wiener Märkten Copyright/Gewista
Das von der Gewista entwickelte Schilderleitsystem weist nun den Weg nicht nur zu den öffentlichen Defi-Säulen der Gewista, sondern auch zu den Defis an sechs Wiener Märkten Copyright/Gewista
Das von der Gewista entwickelte Schilderleitsystem weist nun den Weg nicht nur zu den öffentlichen Defi-Säulen der Gewista, sondern auch zu den Defis an sechs Wiener Märkten Copyright/Gewista
New Gewista guidance system rapidly leads to the next defibrillator
Gewista’s guidance system around five Vienna markets to start with, and the sixth to follow at the end of May/early June, shows the way to a defibrillator and also displays the number of seconds it takes to reach it - a defibrillator can only help if it’s found in time. “We are so thrilled,” says Gewista CEO Franz Solta, “to have installed the guidance system we developed that shows the distance to the respective defibrillator location in life-saving seconds, not only in the direct vicinity of all public Gewista defibrillator pillars, but also in another six locations in Vienna markets. This allowed us to continue expanding the first public guide system for defibrillators to be installed in a city. The clear message in doing so is that when saving a life with a defibrillator, “EVERY SECOND COUNTS!”
NEW: Gewista’s guidance system is available at these five markets in Vienna; it displays the path to the defibrillators for the MA59 at the market location in life-saving seconds. Brunnenmarket is planned as a sixth market for the end of May/early June
- 1020 Wien, Karmelitermarkt
- 1060 Wien, Naschmarkt
- 1100 Wien, Viktor-Adler-Markt
- 1120 Wien, Meidlingermarkt
- 1200 Wien, Hannovermarkt
- Ab Ende Mai/Anfang Juni vorhanden: 1160 Wien, Brunnenmarkt
There are currently twelve Gewista defibrillator pillars in public spaces in Vienna:
- 1010 Wien, Am Hof 3
- 1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt
- 1010 Wien, Reitschulgasse 1
- 1010 Wien, Schottengasse 4
- 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1
- 1010 Wien, Wollzeile 39
- 1030 Wien, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 27
- 1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 14
- 1060 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 2/MQ
- 1060 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 119
- 1070 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 71A
- 1120 Wien, Meidlinger Hauptstraße 32/Ecke Tivoligasse

Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Pressesprecher
Gewista Werbegesellschaft m.b.H.
Telefon +436641000807
David Millmann
Mediensprecher StRin Ulli Sima
Tel.: 01/4000-81333