Citybike Wien (, the free bicycle rental system for people who either live in or visit Vienna, is pleased to be a partner of Caritas in the project “Freizeitbuddys for dementia”. Spare time buddies for dementia is a project that enables people suffering from forgetfulness or diagnosed dementia to find meaningful activity and participation in societal life.
Citybike Wien is the free bicycle rental system, operated by Gewista, and has been available to people either living in or visiting Vienna, 12 months a year, 24 hours a day, for the past 17 years. Currently, there are 1,500 bicycles at 120 bike stations and more than one million registered users. Citybike Wien is free for the first hour, following which low riding fees apply. Citybike use is now completely free and without time limit for Caritas spare time buddies. Spare time buddies are volunteers who spend mutual spare time with dementia sufferers, enabling them to continue pursuing their hobby of cycling despite their limitations. The project is supported by the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung and the Fonds Gesundes Österreich.
Klaus Schwertner, Caritas General Secretary of the Archdiocese of Vienna says “Often, not only those affected by dementia, but also their relatives, retreat to their own private surroundings out of shame or fear. The volunteer dementia buddies make an important contribution to gradually drawing people out of social isolation. Cultural and sporting spare time activities should activate and, thereby, help them to get right back into society. With collaborating partners such as the Haus der Musik (House of Music), the Technisches Museum (Technical Museum) or the Volkskundemuseum (Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art), we already offer a diverse museum programme. As we would now like to develop our sporting offer, and cycling with people with dementia shall be of great importance, the collaboration with Citybike Wien is a distinct advantage.”
“We are delighted to be able to support this wonderful and worthwhile Caritas project!” says Gewista CEO Franz Solta. “The free cards offered by Citybike Wien now allow Caritas spare time buddies to also make use of the Citybikes for longer trips or excursions and without time constraints, together with the supervised people.”
All information about Citybike Wien can be found at:
All information about the Caritas “Freizeitbuddy for dementia” project can be found at:
Generalsekretär der Caritas Erzdiözese Wien Klaus Schwertner (li.) mit Gewista CEO Franz Solta vor einer Citybike Wien Station im Zuge der Übergabe einer symbolischen Citybike Wien Card.
Contact Caritas:
Mag. (FH) Martin Gantner Bakk.
Pressesprecher der Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien
Tel: +43 0664/889 52 760, +431/878 12 21
Contact Gewista:
Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Pressesprecher
Mobil: +43 664 1000 807
Citybike Wien is the free bicycle rental system, operated by Gewista, and has been available to people either living in or visiting Vienna, 12 months a year, 24 hours a day, for the past 17 years. Currently, there are 1,500 bicycles at 120 bike stations and more than one million registered users. Citybike Wien is free for the first hour, following which low riding fees apply. Citybike use is now completely free and without time limit for Caritas spare time buddies. Spare time buddies are volunteers who spend mutual spare time with dementia sufferers, enabling them to continue pursuing their hobby of cycling despite their limitations. The project is supported by the Wiener Gesundheitsförderung and the Fonds Gesundes Österreich.
Klaus Schwertner, Caritas General Secretary of the Archdiocese of Vienna says “Often, not only those affected by dementia, but also their relatives, retreat to their own private surroundings out of shame or fear. The volunteer dementia buddies make an important contribution to gradually drawing people out of social isolation. Cultural and sporting spare time activities should activate and, thereby, help them to get right back into society. With collaborating partners such as the Haus der Musik (House of Music), the Technisches Museum (Technical Museum) or the Volkskundemuseum (Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art), we already offer a diverse museum programme. As we would now like to develop our sporting offer, and cycling with people with dementia shall be of great importance, the collaboration with Citybike Wien is a distinct advantage.”
“We are delighted to be able to support this wonderful and worthwhile Caritas project!” says Gewista CEO Franz Solta. “The free cards offered by Citybike Wien now allow Caritas spare time buddies to also make use of the Citybikes for longer trips or excursions and without time constraints, together with the supervised people.”
All information about Citybike Wien can be found at:
All information about the Caritas “Freizeitbuddy for dementia” project can be found at:

Contact Caritas:
Mag. (FH) Martin Gantner Bakk.
Pressesprecher der Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien
Tel: +43 0664/889 52 760, +431/878 12 21
Contact Gewista:
Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager/Pressesprecher
Mobil: +43 664 1000 807