In this Vienna-wide campaign, the sparkling wine producer Hochriegl combines a Mediterranean attitude towards life with the Austrian wine tradition.
The campaign photos were produced exclusively in Vienna.
Dolce Vita from Austria
OH'SECCO starts with the two varieties Bianco and Rosato. "The drink is best enjoyed outdoors with friends during balmy summer temperatures. In addition, Hochriegl wants to celebrate the sparkling moments of light-heartedness with its two OH'SECCO varieties and salute the Dolce Vita with a fruity-fresh lightness that has a local touch. Utilizing Gewista Out-of-Home advertising, we can reach the target group with pinpoint accuracy and then communicate these special moments perfectly," says Andrea Groh, Chief Sales Officer at Gewista.
OH'SECCO conveys a joyful attitude towards life
"Sparkling wine is becoming more and more popular among young people. For many, it is impossible to imagine everyday life without it, either as an aperitif or a sparkling after-work drink. We are committed to the greatest possible Austrian added value. To this end, we have created an Austrian sparkling wine which bridges our domestic traditions and Mediterranean flair," explains Benedikt Zacherl, Managing Director of the Schlumberger Group. "In branding it, we deliberately toyed with the concept of lightness and the element of surprise. 'Oh' is also an exclamation of joy, which is precisely the joyful attitude towards life which our OH'SECCO conveys."
Leo Burnett Advertising Agency is responsible for the creative implementation. "We deliberately chose OOH for this campaign, because we believe it is the medium most ideally suited to create awareness and make this new product known to a broad public. This Gewista OOH campaign literally brings the Austrian dolce vita to the streets," says Mag. Michael Schwarzinger, Leo Burnett Werbeagentur.

Foto v.l.n.r.: Rainer Eschrich (Gewista), Bettina Ullmann (Schlumberger), Michael Schwarzinger (Wirz), Nicole Prägler (Schlumberger)
Press contacts:
Philip Haubner
Head of Marketing at Gewista
Tel: +43 676 6968544
Marc Hable
UNIQUE relations
Tel: +43 (0)1 8775543 - 48