As the first company in Austria to promote their three new coffees, Nespresso BARISTA CREATIONS, Nespresso is relying on one of Gewista’s Transport Media productions: a brand area at the Stephansplatz U-Bahn station. Along with foil branding, Digital City Lights were also used to make the live interaction between passersby and Nespresso Coffee Ambassador Michael Ilsanker possible in the Nespresso pop-up “The Magic Inside” on Kärntner Straße.
Gewista’s new brand areas are Transport Media productions that allow the walls of Vienna’s biggest U-Bahn stations to be coated in foil, with the integration of Digital City Lights adding the perfect complement. Nespresso used this form of advertising at the U-Bahn station with the widest reach in Vienna not only in a classical sense, but also by implementing, for the first time in Austria, live interaction campaigns that addressed pedestrians directly.
From the teaser countdown to live interaction - engagement was the focus
A countdown to the start of “The Magic Inside,” the Nespresso pop-up experience for the senses, began at the Digital City Lights of the Stephansplatz U-Bahn station on the first of seven campaign days. On the second day of the campaign, for the first time in Austria, the pilot project was implemented in a live broadcast from the Stephansplatz U-Bahn station. Passersby were offered the unique opportunity to interact live with Nespresso Coffee Ambassador Michael Ilsanker in the pop-up experience “The Magic Inside.” Live interaction was supported by picture transmission and live texting. This allowed passersby to choose their preferred varieties of coffee right at the Stephansplatz U-Bahn station. After voting for one of the three BARISTA CREATIONS coffees, passersby could use a QR cod to download a voucher for a free coffee. Upon showing the QR code in “The Magic Inside,” visitors would exclusively receive the coffee that they chose earlier in the live interaction.
Coffee lovers were also able to scan the QR code of the respective BARISTA CREATIONS variety outside the live interaction, so that they could savour it for free in “The Magic Inside.”
“With ‘The Magic Inside,’ we want to give visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in another world. From the hustle and bustle of Kärntner Straße into a coffee oasis that invites you to experience with all your senses. The brand area at the Stephansplatz U-Bahn station allowed for the first touchpoint with our experience on the way there, which made it the ideal form of advertising for us. Innovation is a focal point at Nespresso, because we always want to be able to offer our customers something new - which we’re accomplishing once again with this pilot project,” says Nina Meusburger, Marketing Director at Nespresso Austria.
“Through innovative implementation and interactive content that is personalised, the campaign has achieved a new standard for how content is communicated. The live interaction realised in this form for the first time is the linchpin of brand area implementation and provides the perfect opportunity to make the new Nespresso BARISTA CREATIONS into an experience in dialogue for consumers. Interacting with a barista in the middle of daily life at a U-Bahn station is always going to create a surprising experience and an unforgettable moment,” says Despina Parlicheva, Associate Client Service Director at UM PanMedia.
“I’m especially happy,” says Gewista CSO Andrea Groh, “that we were able to win a strong top brand like Nespresso for implementing an interactive brand area. Branding the U-Bahn stations at selected premium spaces combined with our Digital City Lights with live interaction provides an impressive commercial presence that reaches a total of hundreds of thousands of pedestrians daily and stays in the memory for long after.”
The Gewista Brand Area
The brand area is the newest product, a Transport Media presentation of Gewista that allows walls in U-Bahn stations to be coated in foil and supplemented by Digital City Lights. In the first rollout phase, the Stephansplatz, Schottenring, Karlsplatz, Messe Wien - where Digital City Lights can be booked in addition - Vienna International Centre, Neubaugasse and Zieglergasse stations will be available. The sizes of the U-Bahn stations available for branding range from 35m2 to 235m2, and combined with the 80- and 32-inch Digital City Lights, they result in an impressive advertising presence. The standard reservation period is one week, starting on Monday, which corresponds to the Digital City Lights including a full 60-second loop. Other U-Bahn stations are planned to follow.

Customer: Nespresso Österreich
Agency: UM PanMedia
Type of advertising: Brand Area inkl. Digitalen City Lights – Stephansplatz
Duration: 06-12.05.2019
Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager
Tel: +436641000807