In the event of a cardiac arrest, every second counts – and above all fast intervention by laypeople and the quick use of a defibrillator. Defibrillators can be lifesavers in public areas. The twelfth Gewista public “defi-post” in Vienna, on Meidlinger Hauptstraße, was officially put into operation by Harry Kopietz, President of the Vienna Landtag and the President of the Puls Association, Gabriele Votava, District Leader of Meidling and Gewista CEO, Franz Solta. As with all other Gewista public “defi-posts”, a signage guidance system, developed by Gewista, the City of Vienna and the Puls Association has been installed in the immediate vicinity that shows the distance to the respective “defi” location in lifesaving seconds. This represents the first guidance system to defibrillators implemented in a city and conveys the clear message that when lifesaving with a “defi” – “EVERY SECOND COUNTS!”
The “defi-posts” set up by Gewista are city facilities with special added value: They contain, as well as the lifesaving defibrillator, a touch screen – the City Info Terminal – where, in addition to a city plan and city services information, a simple guide to first aid is available. The public “defi-post” now in operation at Meidlinger Hauptstraße 32/corner of Tivoligasse is the twelfth of its kind. The intended plan is to install further, successive public defibrillators in Vienna. The project is implemented by Gewista, in collaboration with the City of Vienna and Puls, the Association for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death, and supervised scientifically by the MedUni of Vienna.
The Vienna Land Tag President and President of the Puls Association, Harry Kopietz, is delighted about the success of the association’s efforts so far: “It can affect anyone and everyone, at any time, anywhere. Our projects and campaigns have so far contributed to the saving of hundreds of people’s lives in Vienna in the last four years. I am very sure that the institution presented today will support this culture of reaching out and helping, so that many more people will survive a sudden cardiac arrest.
Gabriele Votava, District Leader of Meidling on the new “defi-posts”: The new pedestrian zone at Meidlinger Hauptstraße is frequented daily by thousands of people, especially during the warm time of year, and the numerous, consumer-free recreation areas make time for a pause in a public space possible. As the Meidlinger Hauptstraße appeals to “young and old” alike, the new “Defi-Post in Meidling” is a valuable contribution to a better quality of life. I am very pleased that we have been able to make this literally “lifesaving” offer to the many visitors.”
“We are looking forward to another lifesaving “defi-post” in Vienna – two lives have already been saved by our “defis” in public areas. In addition to expansion in Vienna, there are already the first “defi-posts” in the cities of Graz and Salzburg, and further state capitals with lifesaving “defis” are in progress. Our goal is to have all urban centres developed soon,” says Gewista CEO Franz Solta.
Dr. Mario Krammel, Senior consultant of the Vienna Emergency Services and Executive President of Puls explains the background: “We know, from a medical point of view, that in the event of a cardiac arrest taking place outside a hospital, every second can be crucial in the survival of the person concerned. The current survival rate in such cases in Vienna is around 20 per cent. Swift intervention by a first-aider, before arrival of the emergency services, could result in the survival of up to 70 per cent of those affected. In an emergency the following applies: Call – Press – Shock. In other words, dial the emergency number 144, carry out chest compression and then apply the defibrillator. You can’t do anything wrong. To do nothing is wrong!”
The “defis” can be removed in a similar way to fire extinguishers in an emergency. An automatic GPS-location is carried out, as well as establishing an immediate and automatic telephone link to the Vienna Emergency Services. Appropriate “defi” information can be transmitted or called up on a touch screen in the “defi-post”.
There are currently twelve Gewista “Defi-Posts” available in public areas:
1010 Wien, Am Hof 3
1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt
1010 Wien, Reitschulgasse 1
1010 Wien, Schottengasse 4
1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien, Wollzeile 39
1030 Wien, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 27
1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 14
1060 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 2/MQ
1060 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 119
1070 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 71A
NEW! 1120 Wien, Meidlinger Hauptstraße 32/Corner of Tivoligasse NEW!
The locations of the Gewista defibrillators can be found here, as well as all further available defibrillator locations:
v.l.n.r.: Prof. Harry Kopietz, Erster Landtagspräsident und Puls-Präsident, Gabriele Votava, Bezirksvorsteherin von Meidling, Franz Solta, CEO Gewista, Univ. Lektor Dr. Mario Krammel, Oberarzt der Berufsrettung Wien und geschäftsführender Puls-Präsident, Patrick Aigner, Berufsrettung Wien
Das Schilderleitsystem weist den Weg zu den öffentlichen DEFIs der Gewista und zeigt den Abstand dazu in für die Lebensrettung relevanten Sekunden an.
Das Schilderleitsystem weist den Weg zu den öffentlichen DEFIs der Gewista und zeigt den Abstand dazu in für die Lebensrettung relevanten Sekunden an.
Das Schilderleitsystem weist den Weg zu den öffentlichen DEFIs der Gewista und zeigt den Abstand dazu in für die Lebensrettung relevanten Sekunden an.
Das Schilderleitsystem weist den Weg zu den öffentlichen DEFIs der Gewista und zeigt den Abstand dazu in für die Lebensrettung relevanten Sekunden an.
For further media enquiries:
Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager
Mobil: +43 664 10 00 807
Office of the First President of the Vienna Landtag:
Renate Schierhuber (MA)
Media Spokesperson
Telefon: +43 1 4000 81134, Mobil: +43676 8118 81134
Puls, Association for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death:
Zenker & Co Public Relations
Andreas Zenker, MSc, MBA
Telefon: +43664 244 32 42
The “defi-posts” set up by Gewista are city facilities with special added value: They contain, as well as the lifesaving defibrillator, a touch screen – the City Info Terminal – where, in addition to a city plan and city services information, a simple guide to first aid is available. The public “defi-post” now in operation at Meidlinger Hauptstraße 32/corner of Tivoligasse is the twelfth of its kind. The intended plan is to install further, successive public defibrillators in Vienna. The project is implemented by Gewista, in collaboration with the City of Vienna and Puls, the Association for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death, and supervised scientifically by the MedUni of Vienna.
The Vienna Land Tag President and President of the Puls Association, Harry Kopietz, is delighted about the success of the association’s efforts so far: “It can affect anyone and everyone, at any time, anywhere. Our projects and campaigns have so far contributed to the saving of hundreds of people’s lives in Vienna in the last four years. I am very sure that the institution presented today will support this culture of reaching out and helping, so that many more people will survive a sudden cardiac arrest.
Gabriele Votava, District Leader of Meidling on the new “defi-posts”: The new pedestrian zone at Meidlinger Hauptstraße is frequented daily by thousands of people, especially during the warm time of year, and the numerous, consumer-free recreation areas make time for a pause in a public space possible. As the Meidlinger Hauptstraße appeals to “young and old” alike, the new “Defi-Post in Meidling” is a valuable contribution to a better quality of life. I am very pleased that we have been able to make this literally “lifesaving” offer to the many visitors.”
“We are looking forward to another lifesaving “defi-post” in Vienna – two lives have already been saved by our “defis” in public areas. In addition to expansion in Vienna, there are already the first “defi-posts” in the cities of Graz and Salzburg, and further state capitals with lifesaving “defis” are in progress. Our goal is to have all urban centres developed soon,” says Gewista CEO Franz Solta.
Dr. Mario Krammel, Senior consultant of the Vienna Emergency Services and Executive President of Puls explains the background: “We know, from a medical point of view, that in the event of a cardiac arrest taking place outside a hospital, every second can be crucial in the survival of the person concerned. The current survival rate in such cases in Vienna is around 20 per cent. Swift intervention by a first-aider, before arrival of the emergency services, could result in the survival of up to 70 per cent of those affected. In an emergency the following applies: Call – Press – Shock. In other words, dial the emergency number 144, carry out chest compression and then apply the defibrillator. You can’t do anything wrong. To do nothing is wrong!”
The “defis” can be removed in a similar way to fire extinguishers in an emergency. An automatic GPS-location is carried out, as well as establishing an immediate and automatic telephone link to the Vienna Emergency Services. Appropriate “defi” information can be transmitted or called up on a touch screen in the “defi-post”.
There are currently twelve Gewista “Defi-Posts” available in public areas:
1010 Wien, Am Hof 3
1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt
1010 Wien, Reitschulgasse 1
1010 Wien, Schottengasse 4
1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien, Wollzeile 39
1030 Wien, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 27
1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 14
1060 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 2/MQ
1060 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 119
1070 Wien, Mariahilferstraße 71A
NEW! 1120 Wien, Meidlinger Hauptstraße 32/Corner of Tivoligasse NEW!
The locations of the Gewista defibrillators can be found here, as well as all further available defibrillator locations:
For further media enquiries:
Christian Brandt-Di Maio
Corporate Communications Manager
Mobil: +43 664 10 00 807
Office of the First President of the Vienna Landtag:
Renate Schierhuber (MA)
Media Spokesperson
Telefon: +43 1 4000 81134, Mobil: +43676 8118 81134
Puls, Association for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death:
Zenker & Co Public Relations
Andreas Zenker, MSc, MBA
Telefon: +43664 244 32 42